Ontario, Canada based Caframo, have appointed GMA as their European representatives for their “SEEKR” fan and heater products.

Designed, tested, and built for leisure marine and RV applications, SEEKR showcases an acclaimed line of premium fans and heaters used in boats and RVs of all sizes across the globe, providing enhanced comfort and protection against extreme weather conditions.

Andrea Fisher, Sales Manager for Consumer Products at Caframo said, “as our Aftermarket and OEM business in Europe has continued to grow these past few years, we could see that it made good sense to appoint a sales representative organization that would be able to manage and further develop our sales in this important market, and with GMA coming highly recommended we were thrilled to make an agreement with them”.

GMA’s European Sales Manager, Paul Woodlock commented that “with several of our European distributors regularly singing the praises of both the quality of the Caframo SEEKR product range and the Caframo personnel, this was one contract that was easy to sign, and we are certainly looking forward to progressing our sales development plans”.
